The Backseat Critics: The Movie Review Podcast
Hello! We're the Backseat Critics: a family friendly movie review podcast.We watch and discuss movies that you should generally steer clear of.Join hosts RJ & Andrew as they dive into the world of movies and see what they say!If you like our podcast, or have any questions/suggestions - send us a message or follow us on Instagram @thebackseatcritics. Shoot us an email at thebackseatcritics@gmail.com.Thank you!
The Backseat Critics: The Movie Review Podcast
Avengers: Grim Time War Review and Fairytale Madness
As we navigate the labyrinth of this epic's runtime, we can't help but muse whether a dash of El Chupacabra or a sprinkle of Candyman might have saved us from a tale that overstayed its welcome. Sure, we're handing out standing ovations on the one hand, but on the other, we're mulling over the potential of a TV series spinoff that could've kept us hooked without checking our watches. Tune in for a no-holds-barred critique that's as honest as it is entertaining, and join the conversation on Instagram, YouTube, or wherever you feast on podcasts. Remember, we're the Backseat Critics—where we take the backseat so your imagination can drive.
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today we're talking about avengers, grim time war welcome back to the backseat critics. My name is r j hey guys, I'm andrew oh fantastic this podcast where, uh, we generally talk about movies that you should steer clear of.
Speaker 2:But this movie you want to steer into.
Speaker 1:You do Full Force.
Speaker 2:Time Wars.
Speaker 1:You know I'm dropping it right now. This is my final thoughts. Everyone should watch this. All kids should watch this. Five out of five stars. I see no flaws.
Speaker 2:Five out of five. No, not the ten out of ten.
Speaker 1:Five out of five, ten out of five stars. I see no flaws. Five out of five, not a 10 out of 10. Five out of five, 10 out of 10, however you want to dice it, oh, okay, it's a perfect movie.
Speaker 2:It was cut the acting gold.
Speaker 1:I mean Sleeping Beauty Woo.
Speaker 2:What did you think of Snow White, aurora Woo, little Red Riding Hood?
Speaker 1:Yeah, alice, yeah.
Speaker 2:Alice.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Snow White Slim Beauty Woo. Well, we got a one-minute summary.
Speaker 1:I believe I'm sorry, that was really rude of me.
Speaker 2:That was very rude of you, yeah no, I apologize, I'm appalled you know, I me. That was very rude of you. Yeah, no, I apologize, I'm appalled.
Speaker 1:You know I made fun of someone there for a joke. That's unnecessary.
Speaker 2:But we are here for the one-minute summary.
Speaker 1:We are, and you know what.
Speaker 2:It's your turn, I think.
Speaker 1:It is my turn. I was going to be the big man and volunteer, but I think it's your turn anyway. So, with that being said, you know I'm gonna volunteer for this. I'm taking one for the team. Oh okay, so we start off. Uh and uh, do pop soup. Portal sees um not john voight on the beach combing through the sand. And Okay, cool, sorry, I was just checking the audio there.
Speaker 2:Oh, let's see the timer. I started a little late, but you're at 48 seconds in.
Speaker 1:Yeah, no. And then he's chased by Gil Lady and Gil Army and they chase him and she's like I want the ring and to marry you, but mostly just ring because give me powers over things. And he's like, no, I'll never do that. And then the, the avengers, who are just, uh, snow white, red riding hood, alice the mad hatter, 20 seconds and uh, aurora, and I think that's it, is that it, I think so.
Speaker 1:There's like five of them 20 seconds. And Aurora, and I think that's it. Is that it, I think so. There's like five of them 10 seconds. Anyways, they save it, they stop, snow White gets the ring, they get married, live happily ever after, like, hey, we're going to be through Looking Glass, avengers, you're done, we're done.
Speaker 2:I'm not sure if that's how the Sure you got stuck on names there.
Speaker 1:What names?
Speaker 2:Aurora.
Speaker 1:Aurora, anyways. So we're going to dive into a now kind of classic topic for us. We've got some A-grade actors here.
Speaker 2:Fantastic actors.
Speaker 1:But if you had to replace it with someone else in the non-adult industry industry, who are you replacing them with?
Speaker 2:I am gonna go. Kevin hart not too much kevin hart in the world these days. I take that back. I'm going to go. Jack Black, give me Jack Black.
Speaker 1:Jack Black is who.
Speaker 2:Rumpelstiltskin. Oh, jack Black is Rumpelstiltskin, give me that.
Speaker 1:Jack Black is Rumpelstiltskin. Okay, that's what I'm feeling.
Speaker 2:I'm feeling Rumpelstiltskin is probably the easiest character to replace in this movie to enhance the movie and I feel like jack black is my guy, I feel like he'd deliver. Give me some more humor behind what is a fit, more fan. It gives it a little a little touch about making it closer to just being impeccable yeah who you at um.
Speaker 1:Alright, hear me out fantastic right, so I'm I'm going to go with man, I just had it. Uh, I'm gonna replace Prince Charming with Will Ferrell. Man, I just had it.
Speaker 2:I'm going to replace Prince Charming with. Will Ferrell who played Cyclops?
Speaker 1:in.
Speaker 2:X-Men.
Speaker 1:I don't know. Do you think he would play a better Prince Charming?
Speaker 2:maybe Army Hammer, only if he's eating people. Do you think he would play a?
Speaker 1:better Prince Charming, maybe Armie Hammer, only if he's eating people.
Speaker 2:Armie Hammer, though I think.
Speaker 1:Russell Crowe.
Speaker 2:Sure, paul Giamatti, you know, just throw that in there for you, judi Dench, judi Dench money you know, just throw that in there for you, judy dench judy dench who wouldn't, who wouldn't go after prince charming if prince charming was judy dench?
Speaker 1:um you know I think, rob, I think.
Speaker 2:Rob.
Speaker 1:Finish that thought.
Speaker 2:Gilbert Okay Arenas. He might not, he might not, he might not?
Speaker 1:You think? Our man, Cartier Bob, is not going for Dame Judi Dench?
Speaker 2:No, I think he's going for that person.
Speaker 1:What he's going for, judi Dench.
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:You think he's crushing on Judi Dench?
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:Oh, hey, hey hey. New way to terrorize Plano Games, Because we know they're not going to listen to this part.
Speaker 2:No, they just skipped over it.
Speaker 1:We should find just some print off, some pictures of Judi Dench, find some memorabilia about Judi Dench, and just one piece at a time, Just slowly start bringing it into the studio.
Speaker 2:Judi.
Speaker 1:Dench. Judi Dench. Give it two months play no games podcast.
Speaker 2:it's gonna be all about dame judy dench so we start on an island, not an island, I guess an ocean.
Speaker 1:It's a beach, it's a beach it's a terrible beach there it's like a tropical beach, but then their headquarters are in la. They're showing establishing shots from new york and then the forest is. I don't know. It's northern california, is my assumption.
Speaker 2:I just think it's funny that this old man is sitting on the beach and this gal appears and he's just like whoa, she's beautiful wowie, wowie, wowie I'm sorry if anybody appears just randomly, I'm gone just like out of a puff of smoke. I'm gone. It was like a magical blue dust or electric thing sure, just boof there's somebody same with the prince charming, though didn't he just magically appear as well?
Speaker 1:yeah, well, yeah, prince charming, like jumped out through one yeah uh did, because you've you've seen the first one.
Speaker 2:This is a second yeah, this is the second one does the first one leave off in a cliffhanger? Not that I remember I believe they defeat that rumplestiltskin. Just kind of leave that there, okay, and you got mr lou frigno in it lou frigno in the first one. Lou frigno plays in the first one. I I was kind of shocked. I was like what is mr lou doing here?
Speaker 2:no kidding yeah, he's like iron john or something like that. I think he's supposed to be like John Henry. Okay, I think that because he's not, obviously, he can't be John Henry. So I think they just made him Iron John and made him like a metal man.
Speaker 1:So who's Magda?
Speaker 2:Magda, she's not in the first one.
Speaker 1:But who is she?
Speaker 2:I don't know. I feel like they who are they skirting around?
Speaker 1:Because it's not like. Aquaman isn't a thing. She's not Little Mermaid, she's definitely not Little.
Speaker 2:Mermaid? No Well, Little Mermaid's from Atlantica, and now they're talking about Atlantis, so I'm thinking just off the top of my head here Little Mermaid.
Speaker 1:This is her evil cousin Ursula.
Speaker 2:No, that's like her Aunt no.
Speaker 1:Wasn't that her aunt.
Speaker 2:Oh, I don't know. In Disney I'm going off my Disney knowledge. I was going to say that's actually King Triton's ex-lover, but oh, that's what I'm thinking. Because, she knew about the Triton, but I think this is Ariel's cousin.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:Because they're from Atlantis.
Speaker 1:But cousin, okay, and because they're from atlantis, but look like she was from atlanta because she had some gills on her neck at times at times. Sometimes they would cover it up and, uh, her, her, she's got some fish minions and you'd ever, you'd only ever see like six at once tops yeah maybe five and when that, when they're walking in, you do see like an army of like 20, but it's like obviously cg'd um well, man, the budget for this movie was ten dollars it just looks like it. It looks like it.
Speaker 1:The it was a happy meal the army is like no reflection in the water. They didn't even bother with that. Uh, they're all walking at the same exact pace, their arms swinging in motion together, and it just looks so unnatural and not like intimidating.
Speaker 2:They paid good money for that, that army. They paid a couple pennies per each person. I mean, they were really stretching that $10.
Speaker 1:Were they.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you had to. They paid good money for that.
Speaker 1:Which actor do you think got paid the most here?
Speaker 2:That's a good question, and you know what?
Speaker 1:I have my answer locked you think it's aurora? I think it's rompozilskin probably the wannabe Joker. Yeah, the wannabe Joker, yeah.
Speaker 2:I could see that.
Speaker 1:You could.
Speaker 2:I could see that being the highest paid actor here. You know Magna wasn't.
Speaker 1:No, she wasn't surprisingly little.
Speaker 2:I could see it being one of the top uh, lady actresses in this yeah I could see it being little red riding hood. I could see it being alice. I could see it being snow white aurora snow white got a stunt double she did. Maybe, maybe she is the highest pay because she got a stunt double. It was a horrible stunt.
Speaker 1:she is the highest paid because she got a stunt double. She got a stunt double. It was a horrible stunt double yeah just diving on the ground.
Speaker 2:I do that every day.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm like oh hey diving on the ground. It's how I enter, it's how I come through the doors.
Speaker 2:Look out, there's a quarter Diving on the ground my quarter now, yeah, I put on a black wig and everything $20? $20, yeah, I put on a black wig and dive for $20. Easiest $20 I've ever made in my life.
Speaker 1:I'm covering in scabs 90% of the time.
Speaker 2:Exactly.
Speaker 1:Because I just, I dive, I go for it.
Speaker 2:Why not?
Speaker 1:Nah, I think that's the weakest thing in this.
Speaker 2:Favorite scene Go Favorite scene. You know what I think? My favorite scene is the Rumpelstiltskin, when he's kind of inside, when he gets put in. His strategy was to be put inside the jail with Prince Charming.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And that was just a terrible scene, but it was my favorite because you could just see all these things that could happen and you can just tell that these actors and actresses were petty in this. Oh yeah, that kind of showed it right there everyone was acting like they were the main character yep, oh wait, actually I'm going to take back that. That's not my favorite scene. I'm going to take that back. Favorite scene is a little red riding hood bust out some pistols and grenades.
Speaker 1:I I, I kind of hate you because you did pick my top two really you did pick my top two that is my favorite. When she busted out the pistols, I'm like I was I was kind of hoping you were going to stick with that, that rumple silkskin in the interrog bit, but nope, you went right for the.
Speaker 2:The pistols.
Speaker 1:You went right for the pist.
Speaker 2:The grenade, the grenade. She busted off two grenades she had two in her hands.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's probably the best scene, never to be seen again.
Speaker 2:No, this is when cinema is at its pinnacle.
Speaker 1:And then she just got bogged down by dialogue.
Speaker 2:Yeah it's pinnacle and then just got bogged down by a dialogue.
Speaker 1:Yeah, um, you did take my two favorite scenes, but I am going to go with the. I'm going to go with when they first go into the future and they see the older versions of Prince Charming and Alice and Rumpelstiltskin.
Speaker 2:They really don't look that old.
Speaker 1:They looked the same age but they put some fake wrinkles on it. But it doesn't look like age wrinkles. I brought this up while we were watching it. But it looks like Attack of the Clones, like the little shapeshifter. Oh oh, it's got like little alien wrinkles. It looks like that, like it's just like puffy eyelids they look like they've been doing some drugs.
Speaker 2:Let's be honest, it's yeah, they look like they would be prince charming tunes and bath salts they look like they got some some old age from some drug use.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's not a good look. They should have honestly just powdered in some white powder into people's hair and called it a day.
Speaker 2:Even in that scene or when they went back and saw Alice. Alice was they tried to give a little high five. You know they gave a little high fives to little movies here and there. So you have that one with alice when they go back, when they're older and she's she's trying to act like johnny depp from through the looking glass, I believe, or what's that?
Speaker 1:the second one where he's like yeah, it's through the looking glass. Is that the second one? Yeah, at least in the books. I don't know the, I don't know the movies the movie, whatever the second but it's alice in wonderland.
Speaker 2:And then the second book is through the looking glass I think in that second one, the second movie, she's acting like what johnny depp did in there and then, um, actually, when they introduced rumple stiltskin, he does a little a little jester with his hand and a little rumple stiltskin.
Speaker 1:He does a little a little jester with his hand and a little rumple stiltskin kept like he was like talk like this, and then he would like look down and like through his eyebrows like this I think he is trying to mimic the once upon a time rumple stiltskin.
Speaker 2:Did he do that too? He tried that. Rumple stiltskin, though, is pretty. That actor's good, he's got range. He's a tough one to beat. You don't think this one's got range. He's got as range as a youtube actor a high school youtube actor trying to make it.
Speaker 1:That's about him I think you know I said um, I said rumple still's probably the top paid. I'm going to take that back. I think Alice is the top paid.
Speaker 2:Okay, what's your thought behind that? Why?
Speaker 1:She was kind of lead. It was suggested she's in the first one.
Speaker 2:She's in the first one.
Speaker 1:So I'm assuming the actress is in the first one. I'm assuming she got a pretty good paycheck. She's in. She's throughout the movie pretty consistently. My thought was rumple stiltskin is because was he in the first one?
Speaker 2:he the character? Is he that? One is not, so that's why they kept on saying the actor swapped, the actor swapped, so they kept on saying that's a different rumple stiltskin yeah, they kept on mentioning that or alluding to that meaning.
Speaker 1:We swapped actors yeah, so you kept an actor, which means you probably paid them enough. She was through the movie pretty consistently. I'm now thinking rumple stiltzkin was probably chewing up as much tenure as he was, because everyone's trying to be the main character in here. Um and acting like they were the lead I, I think rumple still skin was just doing that to the degree acting like he was the lead.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, I think, when you have a rumpled still skin and then, once upon a time, that kind of has made it its its own role now, like it's kind of like taking the joker in some ways, as we, as we mentioned, but it's kind of like taking that role or taking on that that the ideal role. And now you have this actor that has done it so well and now you're trying to match that actor, and I think that's what what's happening with rumpled siltskin these days is that you and now, granted, we haven't seen a lot of rumple out there, but you see, once upon a time, rumples and it and it's like nobody else is going to match that.
Speaker 1:Not this time. I haven't seen it, so I can't.
Speaker 2:I mean not any low-grade actor, okay, I think. I mean, obviously you have bigger actors that could do their own thing and probably make Rumpel into something else.
Speaker 1:Wasn't there a Rumpelstiltskin movie that came out recently with Peter Dinklage?
Speaker 2:Not that I know of, but I mean that'd be a different type of Rumpelstiltskin.
Speaker 1:Yes, my bad.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that was not a Rumpelstiltskin movie, that's a love story?
Speaker 1:Is a Rumpelstiltskin a love story?
Speaker 2:Not in the same way. So I I just think that everybody's going to be looking at that, the once upon a time rumple now I guess I need to.
Speaker 1:I guess I need to see that rump I think you do um um what? What fairy tale would you put into this? Like there's a lot of fairy tales, A lot that we're missing here. Which fairy tale are you putting?
Speaker 2:in. Are we going Brothers Grimm fairy tales or are we going like actual folklore?
Speaker 1:Any.
Speaker 2:Can I go folklore?
Speaker 1:You can go folklore.
Speaker 2:Okay, I want the El Chupacabra. I want the Chupacabra. Give me the Chupacabra.
Speaker 1:The demon dog.
Speaker 2:Or La Rona. It's a Hispanic ghost.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:Give me.
Speaker 1:I thought you were like the corona, or give me, give me candy man, I give me candy man. Um what you got, you know, my, my first pick was going to be beowulf I thought about that for a brief second. I really did, because it would just be so out of place.
Speaker 2:Yeah, imagine Paul Bunyan in this.
Speaker 1:Man, paul Bunyan, paul Bunyan, those Bunyans, that's what I thought about, but I'm now thinking like but I'm now thinking like let's do some Hercules Throw in some Greek gods. Throw in some Greek gods, let's get some lightning, let's get some Zeus.
Speaker 2:Some Poseidon, some Poseidon they do mention the underworld.
Speaker 1:Where's Hades, where's?
Speaker 2:Hades if we're talking about that.
Speaker 1:They mentioned the Queen of Hearts.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that runs it with Hades.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Or not. Hades that runs it with Rumpel, Rumpel yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, weird pairing, was she in the first movie?
Speaker 2:Maybe I need to go back and watch the first movie.
Speaker 1:in all honesty, it's been a while it's been future episode nine years, nine years since I watched it.
Speaker 2:So it's one of those late night scrolls, I believe, on netflix, and I was just like I want to watch something that's off the wall. And that came up and I was like, huh, I want to give this a try. So I did mothman mothman mothman, mothman.
Speaker 1:Don't play by anybody's rules. He ain't your daddy's batman the giant purple people eater grimace ronald mcdonald.
Speaker 2:He's a folklore right. He's american folklore right. Let's put ron mcdonald on this dude.
Speaker 1:I saw I I was scrolling through instagram, uh, before we came in here and I saw an ad of ronald talking about some wall of cheese and grimmis is in the back looking like an absolute nightmare.
Speaker 2:He's just like jumping up and down and doing I think that I saw any of the mcdonald's characters I mean if you come up to me with a walking chicken nugget, I'm I'm punting that also ronald mcdonald's pants like ended just short of his knee ron mcdonald is the greatest killer of all time oh, what heart disease you tell me he is the greatest killer of all time it's really weird that they chose a clown as the mascot.
Speaker 1:I know they're trying to appeal to kids back in the 60s.
Speaker 2:The clown is kind of weird yeah, most kids are afraid of clowns, and now you got it out there yeah, you've got.
Speaker 1:You got like you would think, once john wayne gacy does his thing, you'd be like no more clowns yeah like we're not. We're pulling all clowns from advertising.
Speaker 2:The hamburglar is the guy yeah, I mean, you could have made it like into a tricks thing, you know right the hamburger what?
Speaker 1:or just make it grammis also yeah, let's just go, grammis lean into grammis mary mcnugget, mary mcnugget, oh yeah that's right, let's lean into him what was that bird? Yeah there's a chick, she. She had goggles or something. Yeah, a jumper. She's wearing the same outfit that the World War II woman suffered. We can do it. It's like poster had.
Speaker 2:She'd grown up in the 90s though. Oh the moon man.
Speaker 1:We had. What was the moon man?
Speaker 2:Yep, I remember there was a moon man.
Speaker 1:He played the piano. What was the moon man? Yep, I remember there was a moon man. You like played piano. I I I actually kind of loved that guy.
Speaker 2:I loved that era now, do you remember burger king's people though? I remember the, the king there was before the king, like when you went to the burger king there was like kids. I don't know exactly what they were or anything like that. I didn't know their names, but there was like kids and they almost looked like they were knockoffs of somewhere between magic school bus and yeah, planet or what's it, the mr earth, planet earth, whatever oh, captain, planet captain planet, the mixture between those two that's a weird mix that's what it looked like why would you do that?
Speaker 1:I don't know, burger king was on something just like this movie this movie did anything it can to the movie's like hey, we're gonna have characters make stupid decisions to pad out the plot line and we're gonna have a character say go into the gate, but don't go into the gate, but go into the gate right, but if you're coming out, you need my permission, but do not let anyone, including yourselves, come out yeah, it's just like what?
Speaker 2:what it threw me off it's stupid.
Speaker 1:Also, I love that Magda who we were just talking about making up these wild rules. There are no rules. She uses her little scepter to vaporize like what three or four people throughout the movie. She just like shoots some beam out and just like vaporizes them. She occasionally stabs into the floor and like blasts stabbing in this movie.
Speaker 2:Do you really get stabbed in this movie?
Speaker 1:so no, no, she's like stabs in the floor and it sounds like a shockwave. She shoots people with the laser, but then she shoots everyone with a laser, but the one person she stabs is rumple, still skin, who then comes back and well, I mean stabbing in this movie doesn't seem to do anything no, it does. There's no holes, there's no blood it doesn't do anything.
Speaker 2:I could stab you and then be like it's like those fake, but it's like why?
Speaker 1:why have a character who shoots everybody? Besides rumple besides rumple, because it serves the plot. Which I just answered my own question, but that doesn't make sense. Character wise.
Speaker 2:I mean, this whole movie doesn't make sense.
Speaker 1:Let's be honest, I've seen student films with better plots than this.
Speaker 2:And the quality of it.
Speaker 1:But one thing I will say we recently saw Pluto Nash and now now we watch this. If you're like, hey, what movie? What movie do you want to sit down and watch?
Speaker 2:I might go this just for the entertainment value of how terrible it is.
Speaker 1:It's kind of like yeah, like it's, it's not. It's not like a landslide better or anything, but just like stupid schlocky B-movie entertainment. Like, yeah, I'm going to pick this.
Speaker 2:I think it's like on the same tier as Sharknado.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Like how bad it is. It's kind of on the same tier as like a Sharknado idea.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we're getting like right into that. It's so bad, it's good. But they have a better actor it bleeds blood, the, but they have a better actor the House that Bleeds Blood, the Room. Annie Roger Corman Rest in Peace, Birdemic.
Speaker 2:Yeah, this fits right in.
Speaker 1:Right in with bad movies Joel.
Speaker 2:Schumacher's Batman. This is, though, I think it's done, better than movies that are trying to be like scary movie but not like the parody movies.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the parody movies.
Speaker 2:This was better than the parody movies because it was its own thing, it had its own. It actually kind of ran off of its own storyline and everything compared to the parody movies where they tried to just Parody movies get so caught up in just making like specific point by point, like parodies of things.
Speaker 1:And references that it doesn't actually focus on, like any coherent plots or like a build up to a joke, something where you do the build-up early in the film and the punchline is later.
Speaker 2:That kind of thing. I like this more.
Speaker 1:Than Scary Movie.
Speaker 2:I like Scary Movie better.
Speaker 1:Or sorry, was it Epic Movie and the Superhero Movie?
Speaker 2:I like those a little bit better. I don't like there's one called um avengers of justice or something like that I have not seen that it is terrible. I watched it the other day. I was like this is awful you didn't invite me this. This was the better watch today you didn't invite me it was the better watch. I think I watched it before we moved. So what final thoughts?
Speaker 1:uh, yeah, I, I think. I think really, in the end, any kid of any age would be okay watching this, but I would probably say like seven and up, just because it's so wildly incoherent that kids younger than seven are going to have questions that, like, you're not going to have answers to, they're not going to understand what's so entertaining about it. I think that seven, eight, maybe nine, that kind of range you're going to start to understand like this is so bad it's good. Um, I'm gonna stick with maybe a six. Um, it's a good.
Speaker 1:Bad movie could be worse I am both a worse in a good way and worse in a bad way I think I'd probably wait until the kids older.
Speaker 2:To be honest with you, this is actually like a movie that you'd scroll through like Comcast back in the day and see as like a free movie kind of thing. I would just wait till they're older just because of I guess they wouldn't.
Speaker 1:They'd watch this and probably get bored there's not a lot of of suggestive scenes or anything lewd like that.
Speaker 2:No, I mean, I guess the most lewdest thing is some of the outfits, but I mean it's almost equivalent to the ones that you see in Descendants.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's pretty tame.
Speaker 2:So I would say, though, that I think Descendants is easier to follow. This is like a poor man's descendants to me almost.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's actually a good comparison.
Speaker 2:Yeah, like a walmart version of descendants, and for that, though, I think I would rate this probably like a four. There is some entertainment, there is some value. I would, if somebody's like let's watch this, I'd be like fine, I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna like say no, I've seen this movie before, but, um, I'd give it a four.
Speaker 1:I do think it goes on a little too long it does they could have cut it out 15, 20 minutes it's still a good 15 20 minutes.
Speaker 2:You probably could have made this an hour. It was an hour 30, I believe this could have been an hour 30. It was an hour 30, felt like an hour 45 then it felt like we were sitting there for two hours. No, it was. It was an hour 30. Um, I think it could have been an hour.
Speaker 2:You could have made this movie in an hour yeah, yeah you, they should have they should have made this actually like a short tv series, like a, like a video game, high school or the Guild or something along those lines.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:They should have made it into that and I think it probably would have been more successful.
Speaker 1:I think it would have been a lot. I don't want to say better, but better.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, anyways, if you like us or our podcast, you found us. You can find us on Instagram at the Backseat Critics. You can find us on YouTube at the Backseat Critics, or you can look us up anywhere else where you get your podcasts at the Backseat Critics. Or if you want to find similar podcasts that we're lightly involved in, you can look over at the Play no Games podcast. We always recommend them. We'll work on the back end there, but sometimes we pipe in and give our two cents on whatever topics they're talking about, and until then, we out.